
Project Info:
Princeton Municipal Light Department

1.5 MW Wind Turbines

STV Enigneers

Project Value:
$1.3 Million

Project Highlights:
A complete rebuild of the existing road through a densely wooded area was required in order to transport the turbines.

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Princeton 1.5 MW Wind Turbine Install - Princeton, MA

Methuen Construction prepared the site and installed two new 1.5MW Fuhrlander 1500 wind turbines for the Princeton Municipal Light Department.

Each turbine is mounted on a 230-foot tower and their combined output delivers a significant amount of the town’s energy needs. Additionally, ratepayers realized further cost savings by selling renewable energy credits on the open market.

The site work was challenging as a complete rebuild of the existing road through a densely wooded area was required in order to transport the turbines to their final mountaintop destination.