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Leading With Safety - Safety Recognition


Matt Davis

On receiving Methuen’s Safety Recognition Award

For his continuous commitment to safety

This is what supervisors shared about Matt :

  • Matt is not afraid to speak up about safety concerns, and provides much valuable input in identifying safer and more efficient ways to complete difficult tasks.  He regularly takes time to explain tasks to newer teammates and provided continuous development to newer riggers and signal persons.”                               

  • “Matt consistently completes equipment inspections, and performs regular preventative maintenance (cable lubing, greasing, etc.) without reminder.  Matt often stays beyond the end of his shifts to complete preventative maintenance and to assist with keeping the site clean and tidy.”

  • “One of the most welcomed assets that Matt possesses is the desire and ability to ask questions and participate in the planning phases of each task. He is not close minded on the original plan, he will rethink our operations and implement improvements when needed.”

  • “When Matt identifies an unsafe condition or observes an unsafe behavior he immediately addresses the issue and uses it as an opportunity to teach newer Teammates.”