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Pittsfield WTP Receives Excellence in Construction Eagle Award

(Pictured above are just a few of many Methuen teammates involved in the successful completion of the Pittsfield WTP Nutrient Removal project in Pittsfield, NH.)

Methuen Construction received the 2022 Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) NH/VT's Excellence in Construction Eagle award for the upgrade to the 12 MGD Pittsfield Water Treatment Plant project in Pittsfield, MA. The comprehensive upgrade included a new tertiary treatment process, upgrades to sludge dewatering, biological, and nitrogen removal processes as well as replacement of secondary clarifier mechanisms. The plant's treatment process remained fully operational for the entire project duration.

In total, over 182,000 manhours were logged, with over 49,000 being Methuen teammates over the course of the project. Most of the manhours were logged during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. In collaboration with the City of Pittsfield and architect/engineer, Kleinfelder, the project teams delivered a successful project on a court-ordered schedule and the upgrades improved the plant’s energy efficiency, reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and energy used in treating the water flow through the plant by 20 percent.